Friday, December 26, 2008


What a great Christmas we all had here in the Freeman household!! It all started out Christmas Eve. We all went to Nannys house and had a lovely dinner and opened gifts. Then Christmas morning we woke to find that we did not have power. Dan quickly hooked up the generator and we were back in business. All bundled up we opened our gifts, Ryan absolutely loved his race track from Santa and Lillian loves her little pink singing car. Lilly Bean loves to open presents, and Ryan was very happy with all his Santa gifts. Ryan has already started thinking about what will go on his list next year. And I am just exhausted from setting up all the big toys that we never set up yesterday.

1 comment:

Erica said...

so glad you had a great Christmas. we did the same thing about the power, put on t`he gene`rator and put the tree on! We had a great morning too. I need to update our blog!