Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My First Game!

I got a call a few weeks before my sister was due to come out. The message that was left was, "I am planning a girls night for when your sister is here. There will be no other details of the evening released, I just need to know if you are in." So I went back and forth with Lisa, Kris's bestie, could I give money? Can I get a hint? Needless to say, I agreed to go. Boy was I glad I did! :)

It was a great night!! Kris and I rushed and dropped the kids off and went back to the beach house. By the time we got there, Lisa was there, waiting, with a limo. The limo was stocked with beer, malternative beverages and snacks. When we got in the limo she announced that we were going to a Sox game!! Lisa had bought us both new Red Sox sweatshirts and had brought enough money to fund the whole night for the three of us!! What a great time! I loved the Fenway vibe, and watching the game. We all had a blast! Once we got home from the game we took a stroll across the street to hang out at the lame Karoke bar. A great time had by all!

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