Thursday, December 3, 2009

Welcome, Stuart!!!

We have recently added a new addition family. Stuart has come to live in the Freeman household for the holiday season. Stuart is our new Elf on the Shelf. Santa drops Stuart off at the beginning of each Holiday season. He will sit and watch Ryan and Lillian all day, and then when they go to bed, he flies off to the North Pole to report on them to Santa. Each night Stuart, upon his return, will find a new hiding place to sit and watch. So it becomes a game in the morning, looking for Stuart. If any child touches Stuart he loses all his power, and will not be able to report to Santa. SO. Ryan is a little freaked out, and lot curious about Stuart. He thought it was very cool that he was in a new spot this morning. We will see how it goes!! Here is a little picture of Stuart in his first hiding spot.

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