Saturday, December 20, 2008

Day 9 Begins...

As day nine with no power begins Ryan and I wanted to show off our Gingerbread house that we made last night. Since there is no one here to show it to we thought we would post it on here. This was our attempt to get excited for Christmas that is now 5 days away. It is hard to be excited though when you can't be with your family. Ryan has decided he "just wants to go home!" and Lilly has about had it sleeping in her little portacrib.

Again we called Unitil this morning, and once again we got the answer.."we are working on the problem and you should be up and running by tonight." This is the answer that we have been getting since Tuesday. It is very frustrating, and even more frustrating that we can't be home to set up our Christmas tree, or enjoy the Christmas lights, or to even get our Christmas shopping done!!

So here is our Gingerbread House, our mini Christmas tree that Ry just HAD to have and a couple of other randoms.

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