Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Skating Party

Our Cub Scout Pack held their annual Roller Skating party last night. I was a little iffy on if it was even going to be worth bringing Ryan. I really thought he would be hesitant to get out there and try skating. He put on those skates, and went right onto the floor and starting skating with the rest of the pack. Ry was very careful at first, hugging the wall..but then got up the courage to go around the circle away from the wall. He did a WONDERFUL job and I was so proud!! :)


So nice to see all the family together. Although the cicumstances were not great, it was to see us all together. This was the only pic I got of all of us together. Nice to see you all!


So I was reading in my Family Fun magazine about some fun lunch ideas for kids. For lunch on Monday I was up for an experiment. I decided to make "squid dogs". Ryan loved it!! He thought it was the coolest thing, and quickly was thinking of other ways to make a different version of squid dogs. Here is the recipe

Looks like:

After being cooked:

I give up!

I have officially given up, already, on Project 365. With those couple days that I was out and about with family, and celebrating Grampys life I lost track of time and forgot to take pics. SO I will be starting again..but not sure when. I will let you all know when I do!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Project 365

I have started a project at home that is called Project 365. This is something that you have to take one picture a day for 365 days in a row. This will give you a chance to see your life in pictures when you are done. I am starting my days with pictures of my kids. If any of you know me, you know that probably most of my pics will be of my kids. Because they are such good, and willing subjects. As the year goes on I hope to get more creative. So here it is, Day 1 Photo. Lillian is LOVING this pink cowgirl hat lately. Just look at that face! ok, so I cheated a little. This is what I am using for day 2. I couldn't pass it up, and I didn't think it was a bad thing to double up on the pics. Day 3..Lillian trying to shoot her little Nerf gun.Day 4. Daddy actually took this one. Say CHEESE Lilly!
Look for more pics soon! :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Target Practice

Around our house now a days, you must take cover upon entering. Santa brought Ryan and Lilly Nerf guns for Christmas. It is now constant chaos around here. There are ALWAYS Nerf "bullets" flying around our heads. I got out of the shower the other day and got bombarded with them upon leaving the bathroom. So, next time you set foot into the Freeman household please beware! This is your one and only warning! :)

Grampy Butler

John J. Butler
Grampy Butler died peacefully on January 3rd. He was surrounded by his loving daughters. He was anxious to get up to heaven to dance with his angel before their 64th wedding anniversary. Grampy will always be loved by all and remembered for the life lessons he was always teaching. We love you Grampy, you will forever be in our hearts. Rest peacefully.