Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Day at the Beach

We had a wonderful day, playing at the beach the other day, while waiting for our car to be fixed. Papa brought us around to look for some seals, although we didn't see any, we still had a great time!! Lilly loved looking around everywhere, and Ry liked jumping in the sand..We also stopped to see lots of seagulls.
A great day had by all!
Thanks Papa!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Electronic Game Bot!!!

Well, the time for Invention Convention is here!! Today Ryan had to pass in his invention for the judging. They will all be judged on Tuesday (tomorrow) and available for public viewing between 5:30-6:30pm at the school. Ryans invention is named "Electronic Game Bot" He is a robot that will play games with him when Mommy and Daddy are too busy to play. He does have a light bulb on the top of his head that lights up, and four eyes, so that he can see all around. He has four arms (two to play games with and two stretchy arms to do chores in the kitchen), and is on wheels. What a wonderful invention!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm a big girl now!!

Look at all my teeth!! I have a total of 8 teeth now, and am learning to climb

the stairs!!! Watch out Mommy and Daddy!!!

Disney On Ice!

We went to Disney on Ice this weekend, on Valentines Day to be exact! Although Ryan was feeling a little under the weather we still went and had a great time!! Our favorite was the Cars show. We got to see Mater, Lightning McQueen, Ramone, Sally and another car that I can't remember his name! :)

We also saw Tinkerbell, Lion King and the Little Mermaid. I got some pretty good pics of most of them, except Ariel. It was a great show, although I wish Ry had watched the other movies so he knew what was going on during the other ones.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Kids!!!

Hello All, from the Freeman Family!! Just a couple updates and new pictures of the kids!! Like I said in the previous post, Ryan James is working really hard on his Invention for school. They are also celebrating Chinese New Year, and the 100th day of school (soon)!! He is really focusing on trying to start reading and is also doing a wonderful job with writing. He is getting excited to start Tball again soon, and is not real sure if he wants to do soccer. I will keep you all updated on that. Ryan is REALLY looking forward to going to Disney on Ice soon with Mommy and Daddy. And we are a little excited too! :) So Ry is doing GREAT!

Lil is also doing wonderfully too. She is working so hard at trying to walk. She is getting faster and faster at furniture walking..I don't think it will be long now! She also has a TON of teeth!! I don't know where they came from, but she now has three on the top (with a fourth on its way) and four on the bottom. She is saying lots of words..or noises that sound like words! :) She will answer questions with a head shake yes or no. She has gone back to HATING tubbies..although last night she tolerated it more. But she ALWAYS loves to come out with crazy hair!! Thats the best part!! I can't believe she is almost one year seems like it was just yesterday that she was coming home to see Ryan.

Oh Yeah, Lillian has also discovered that she can open the drawers in Ryans she quite frequently gets caught in the act of emptying his underwear drawer!!
Also, the 3-D glasses are her new favorite item in the house, she loves to wear them and pose!
So that is it from the crazy Freeman Household, for now at least!!

Our Visit with Great Grampy

Sorry it has been so long since our last blog!! We have all been doing well. Ryan is working so hard on his invention for the invention convention at school. You will all have to wait and see what it is when I post some pics of the finished product!! The kids and I finally got up to see Grampy a couple weekends ago. It was a much needed visit, and so great to see him. Lilly and Ryan loved seeing him, although Ry was not feeling the best we still had a great visit!! Ryan kind of hung out and played alone, while Lil crawled around
everywhere and even learned to play the piano.
Grampy is working really hard to get out of there, and is in great spirits!

We Love you Great Grampy!!!!